You can get back together with your ex lover. You can win back their affection. Here's a story of how one couple found love again.
Looking back Lori could see that everything that happened sprang from a misunderstanding. She had furiously jumped to a wrong conclusion when she saw her boyfriend - Neil - and her girl friend - Allison - whispering to each other.
While Lori jumped to the wrong headed conclusion that her best friend and boyfriend were flirting with each other, they were actually planning a surprise birthday party for her! Well, Lori's furious outburst was a surprise that no one appreciated and there were enough hurt feeling to last for some time.
Neil was very hurt that Lori evidently trusted him so little that she would suspect he was flirting with anyone - much less Allison - behind her back. He became angry and didn't care if he ever spoke to Lori immediately after her outburst!
If you have ever found yourself in such a crazy situation, you know it can seem impossible to undo the damage caused by a few seconds of unreasonable jealous fury. But Lori was able to put things back together - make things right - and get back together with her ex. Here's how she went about it.
Well, just after all this went down, she found out quickly that talking to Neil was just not going to be possible. So, since she could not discuss the situation with him at this time she decided to back off and write him a letter. She sat down and collected her thoughts and wrote Neil a sincere apology.
She poured out her heart and admitted that she was wrong in jumping to such a conclusion and trusting him so little. Then she wrote about all the things she valued in their relationship. Finally she thanked him for being so considerate in planning the party for her in the first place.
Lori did a very wise thing next. She gave Neil some time and space. She kept her distance and resisted her urges to contact him. It took a very long week but Neil worked through his hurt feelings and emotions and came around.
After about a week, she was thinking of sending Neil a short, casual 'Thinking of You' e-mail. Just then her phone rang and it was Neil. It seems the week was a long one for him , too.
After he calmed down some, he realized just how crazily in love he was with Lori. After all, he wouldn't be planning a surprise party for just anyone would he? He found himself smiling when he thought of her. Yes, he missed her. "Who cares if she can be a bit flighty at times?" he thought to himself.
They met for coffee that evening. Lori looked even more beautiful to Neil than he remembered. In no time they were laughing and talking to each other with ease.
Looking back on their blow up months later, it is easy to see that had Lori handled the aftermath as badly as she had the initial outburst thing may have turned out differently. But Lori was wise and handled the situation in a manner that let her and Neil get back together in a relatively short period of time. You can get back together with your ex... if you know how.