If you want to get your guy back. If you want to really convince him that what you share is special - this brief guide to getting your guy back should set you on the right track.
Let's face facts. In most instances the events that led up to your break up were caused by the both of you! Even if you cheated on him or he cheated on you - the fault for breaking up is still a shared responsibility.
In order for you to stand any chance of making up with your guy, you both need to forgive and forget. Trying to forgive and not to forget just will not work. you need to let go of the past and let go of all that anger. You can not allow the anger to cloud your relationship's future.
If you sincerely want to get your guy back for any period of time, you may need to apologize for your part in the break up. The apology should be sincere and heartfelt. A "going through the motions " apology is likely to be manipulative and ineffective.
( Learn what you can do to get your ex-lover back in your arms. Even if you are the only one trying! Click Here! )
Sometimes, you may need to chase your ex-boyfriend a little. You may need to show him you are still interested - just don't over do things. Dozens of text messages and phone calls can convince him that you have become a stalker.
Getting you boyfriend back may mean starting again at the beginning. Do not expect things to always resume when they used to be. A time to re-build trust and comfort may be needed. Hurt feelings take time to heal. Allow your renewed relationship time to blossom.
Not all relationships can be restored. But too many that could be rekindled never are the same again. If you feel your damaged relationship is worth saving, arm yourself with the knowledge to make things good again. Don't allow what could be a wonderful relationship wither and die from the lack of knowing the steps needed to put it back together again.