Has your boyfriend ended his relationship with you? Has he called it quits? If you are currently
going through this type of break up, you are probably hurting and have lots of questions about why he chose to break up.
If you did not want to break up, you are undoubtedly asking yourself whether or not you can get back together with your now ex-boyfriend and restore the relationship. This is a difficult and emotional time. It is a time when you are not at your best when deciding your plans for the future.
While it may go against your desires and instincts the first thing you need to do is say away from your ex and give both him and yourself some time and space. Rushing back together or pestering and pleading are strategies that will not give you the results you want.
The break up could end up being over trivial and silly things. Or there may be more substantial issues behind it. You need to consider the situation and determine whether getting back together is possible - or desirable. It is too easy to let your heart overwhelm your reason and trap you into a relationship that is just no good for you.
After you have given yourself some time and perspective - and determined that the relationship is worthy salvation, there are some strategies you should think about employing to give yourself the best chance of getting back together.
The reconciliation should be on your terms. There are two reasons for this. First, by making your ex boyfriend put some effort in to getting back together you increase the chances of restoring the relationship on a more permanent and solid footing. If he knows that he can not just come and go as he pleases, he will not act so rashly in the future.
The second reason for conducting the reconciliation on your terms has to do with your self respect. If you allow yourself to be treated with no respect any relationship you have will be a dismal and desperate one. You will be more attractive in his mind if you convey your worth to him by demanding respect.
There are simple steps that you can take to get back together with an ex boyfriend. Often the complusions of the heart betray us at a time like this. It is better for us and the relationship to follow a time tested process that will help restore the relationship between you and your boyfriend and make that union stronger and happier than ever before. Learn more.