Thursday, October 20, 2011

Learning The Secret to a Great Relationship From Past Bad Relationships

Relationships can be darned complicated and frustrating as heck, can't they? If you've had your share of ups and downs in relationships over the years, there is something you can learn from them and apply to the next break up or other turmoil that happens in your current relationships. You can confirm the secret I'm about to share with you just by looking back over all the past relationships in your life.

If you are like most of us, you have had a wide range of past relationships that eventually ended. Sometimes it really is mutual where you both grow tired of each other - or just can't stand one another! But most of the time when a relationship fails, either you or your partner wants it to end. And then a curious thing happens.

I'll use my past to illustrate. I'm remembering one long past love affair where the young lady - I'll call her Marie- pretty much treated me like a dog! Looking back, it is difficult to remember anything about Marie that was so attractive. But during the time we dated, I danced to her tune and would do anything to please her. I guess she wished that I would disappear but the more she ignored me - the more desperate I became.

On the other hand, there was this girl in college that seemed to be chasing me. ( Difficult to believe, I know ). I didn't even think we had anything more than a casual friendship but Ann saw things in a different light. I even remember one time when she called me up and asked for my phone number!

Do you see a pattern in these relationships? I'll bet you have had experiences like these in your past: times where you were desperately chasing someone you thought was so amazing and times when someone thought you were special.

It seems that it is just human nature to want something - or someone - we can not have. And we tend to react in a way that makes attracting that relationship almost impossible.

So, the lesson is clear. In order to attract someone, you need to be in the psychological position that is attractive. There is no need to over do things but a little thought to how your actions will effect your partner can go a long ways to building and maintaining a healthy relationship.

Learn how you can stop that break up ... even when it seems hopeless. Click Here!
