If it was your boyfriend that left you it was probably from one of two root causes. Either he felt you were not into the relationship ( and him) enough - as thus felt neglected and unappreciated - OR he felt you were into him and the relationship too much - making him feel pressured and suffocated.
All this may be true or imagined. Doesn't matter. The thing is to identify which of these roads your ex-boyfriend is traveling and construct a detour. Guys will let you know whats bothering them if you learn to translate their Cro-Magnon man-speak.

If he is short, scowly, and rude with you- bet he's feeling pressured. He thinks his abruptness will cause you to go away. Sure, it's immature and never works but men will keep trying this method until doomsday.
On the other hand, if he acts all wimpy and down in the dumps, he probably wants more attention. Never mind that the sad sack act repulses you, this is his cry for help.
As you can see, we men are confusing. Everyone says that women are the emotional ones and men are all logical. But with just a scratch or two beneath the surface, it's apparent that men are chock full or emotions as well. We're just not any good at communicating them. But, Ladies, once you break the code we are really pretty easy to understand.
So if thoughts of "how to get my boyfriend back' are swirling through your head, take a moment and find out what state of mind your boyfriend is in. Once you know where he is at emotionally, you can proceed to rekindle the magic and passion of your relationship.