Relationships are fragile things. They need constant attention in order to flourish. Sometimes it is a lack of attention that causes a relationship to break up. If you are involved in a break up you may find yourself thinking, "What can I do to get my ex back?" One of the most effective things you can do is to show your ex just how important you are to them.
If you find yourself in a break up and want to get back together, the first thing you need to do is to be strong. While you may feel like begging or clinging, you must resist this urge if you are really serious about getting back together with your ex. It will not hurt to have your ex boyfriend or girlfriend think you are all right with the break up and have moved on.
It is natural to feel that talking things out will help. But what you want to do is minimize communications with your ex at first. Take a break from the chatter and give your ex a chance to think about things and start to miss you a bit.
Don't mope around the house during this time of not being with each other. It will do you good to have some fun time with friends. And, it will put you in a stronger and better frame of mind when the time comes to start putting back the pieces of your relationship.
While these steps will certainly help they do not completely answer the question of, "What can I do to get my ex back?" I wish it was as easy as 1-2-3. Realize that spending some time apart is only the first step to restoring what you once had. It is an important and vital step but you will still have much work to do in order to get back together. But don't worry. It is possible to make things work if you follow the proper steps.