If you go about it the right way, you stand a very good chance of getting your ex back. Even though you may have just experienced the pain of a break up, realize that this is an experience nearly everyone goes through at one time or another. Once you get over the initial shock of the break up it is time to decide whether or not you are serious about getting back together with your ex.
If you are determined to get back together with your ex boyfriend or girlfriend, it is time to quit playing the victim and start putting some work into restoring your relationship. If you set your heart and mind to it, 90% of the time you can win back your ex.
To start off, you'll need to get real clear about the cause of your break up. True, you can not go back in time and change things but it is useful to learn from past experiences and not make the same mistakes in the future.
There are at least a thousand and one different reasons for a break up. A single event could have led to the break up. Or it could have been caused by some type of behavior that your ex could not deal with or would not accept. In order to make your relationship work on a long term basis, you'll need to deal with the underlying stresses.
But right now, long term relationship success is a bit down the road. You need to put yourself in a position where you can deal with just getting back together. Even though you may feel guilty - or hurt - or desperate- you just can't approach the situation like that. You need to act strong and mature and let your ex know you are doing just fine without him or her. The way to do that is to exude confidence around all your friends and acquaintances.
You don't want to make your ex jealous but you want to showcase yourself in the best light. You want him or her to remember the things that they found attractive about you in the first place. You want to give them time and space and maybe they will start to miss you. Let your ex see you in this strong and self confident way and he or she will start to want you back!