These are solid signs that your ex is interested in getting back together with you. But even if you are getting the signs you need to proceed with caution. Whatever you do - Do Not go running back into the relationship. The best strategy if you are interested in fully restoring your relationship is to be a bit hard to get. If you jump back in at this early stage, there is a good chance you will push him or her away.
Realize that it was probably your being away that let those feelings built up in your ex's emotions. If you had been together a year or so, it is only natural that your ex partner would still have treasured memories and miss you.
Make sure that the interest your ex boyfriend or girlfriend is showing is sincere and no some kind of twisted power trip. You know him or her better than almost anyone else so be certain they really mean what they say. That's were playing it cool for a while is so beneficial.
Playing it just a bit cool can let you stay in control of the situation. It can keep you from being used or hurt. Stay strong and keep your wits about you. This stage of playing it cool or playing hard to get gives you the best chance of getting back together if that is in fact what you both want.

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