Are you trying to get back together with your ex but find that everything you are doing is just pushing them farther away? Do you constantly ask yourself, "How can I get back with my boyfriend?" or " How can I turn things around with my girlfriend?" You may feel as if you've tried everything but here are some tips that will drastically improve your chances of getting back with your ex.
Without a doubt, you are serious about saving your relationship. It's because you want to rekindle that special relationship that has lead you to read this article in the first place. But if your serious desire to save your relationship is causing you to feel overly anxious, you may be behaving in the wrong way - causing your boyfriend or girlfriend to resist. It is in our human nature to draw back when we sense this sort of anxious/desperate pressure. If you really want to get back together with your ex, there is no use trying to struggle against human nature.
You will only make matters worse if you are calling too much, frantically text messaging, or firing off constant e-mails. If you find yourself doing any of these things...take a deep breathe..and STOP! Stop and realize that these actions make you look desperate, clingy, and unappealing. Obviously, approaching the situation like this will rarely work.
If You Really Want To Get Back Together With Your Ex ... Follow This Strategy Instead
In order for you to get back together with your ex, you need to - you must - take a very different approach. The first thing you need to do is break off contract with your ex for a period of time.
Yes, that may be the last thing you want to do but it is vitally important that you give both you and your ex time to breathe and gain perspective. This period of time will be a challenge to you - especially at first. But focus on taking good care of yourself and know that this down time for the relationship is vital to re-kindling the old sparks.
Your ex boyfriend or girlfriend will start feeling different about you during this downtime. He or she may well gain a new found respect for you. No longer will you seem to be needy and week. Now your ex will have a chance to view you in a much stronger and positive light. You may become mysterious, independent and desirable in their eyes now that your not around all the time. They may begin to miss you.
Human nature is a funny thing. The thing is we are all predictable to a certain extent. We can use human nature to work for us or against us. If you find yourself making the common mistakes most people make when trying to restore or repair a relationship, realize you can make human nature work in your favor. It is really fairly simple to use a few simple techniques to get back together with your ex.
If you learn and apply these powerful methods you can turn the tables and quickly re-kindle that relationship that you feared was slipping away. You can learn how to make yourself attractive and appealing and remind you ex why he or she loved you in the first place.

Download 'The Magic of Making Up' and re-kindle your romance once again!