Friday, September 3, 2010

Get Your Ex Back Guys! 5 Fun Ways That Might Just Work

  1. Send a Bouquet. - Yeah, it's tried and true. Make a big show and send flowers or even a bouquet of balloons to her at work.
  2. Send a Card. - Be sure to send one that shows you've spent some time searching for that perfect one. Find a card that relates to her and her interests.
  3. Ask her out on a 'no pressure' date. -Just spending some fun time at a ball game or zoo without the pressures of any after hour scenarios might just be the ticket to re-igniting the old passions.
  4. Express your love in a letter. An old fashioned 'love letter' gives you a chance to pour out your true feelings - and it's kinda romantic, too!
  5. Write a poem. Roses are red... and Diamonds are blue....If you write a poem.... Maybe she'll come back to you!