You need to take the time to figure out a plan to effectively answer the "what can I do to save my marriage" question. If you rush into things you'll probably find yourself running around in circles and ending up in one dead end after another. Haste makes waste.

You need to talk with your husband or wife if you haven't done so already. The best situation is that both of you feel that the marriage is worth saving and that you will go forward together. In this case you have several ways forward. Each option carries with it some good points as well as some potential drawbacks.
You can try and figure things out by yourselves. Maybe professional marriage counseling is the best way forward for you and your spouse. Perhaps you can use one of the various online e-books that deal with repairing relationships.
Marriage counseling can help mend your marriage but it is many times a long and expensive process. There can be strong tensions associated with opening up your lives to a third party - especially if you or your spouse is reluctant to submit to counseling.
While fixing your marriage by working together can be a positive and rewarding experience, it is a two edged sword. It is all too easy to make matters worse because of not knowing how to go about things properly. Well meaning discussions can quickly degenerate into arguments simply because of the unstructured nature of your communications.
The use of a good guide such as 'The Magic of Making Up' can help you avoid these traps and roadblocks to getting what you both really want. It can be a very helpful guide to help you answer the question, "What can I do to save my marriage?"