Marriage and modern life bring their own set of challenges to your relationship. Let's take a quick peek at the all to common situation of a typical married couple.
Our once happy couple is experiencing the type of frustrations that can and do quickly undermine many a marriage. John is very dedicated to his young family and works long hours to provide for them. Jill feels neglected. She feels like John is never really there for her.
Jill spends all of her time and energy caring for the couple's 2 young children. At the end of the day she is exhausted. John feels the Jill doesn't have time for his needs. So what we end up at the end of almost every day are 2 tired and frustrated adults.
It does not take a Dr. Phil to figure out that this relationship is headed for a shipwreck. Both John and Jill are just doing what they think is best for the family and each other....but emotionally they are neglecting each other. Does this sound like anyone you know?
Can this marriage be saved? Well, of course it can! But that does not mean it will be saved.
Looking at their relationship from the outside, it seems obvious that these two can quickly repair the relationship. All it really will take is a little commitment from both of them to make each other a priority. They need to commit to setting aside at least a few minutes everyday for each other. That's 'turn off SportsCenter' and 'not talking about the kids problems' time. It's each other time.
Make the effort to spending a few minutes really talking with each other each day and soon you will begin to really communicate with each other and get down to the root causes of your disagreements. And you will likely re-discover what you found so fascinating about each other in the first place!