When I broke up with my girlfriend after a serious fight, I just assumed we would get back together without any sort of plan. That sounds rather foolish to me now.
We have game plans in other - less important - parts of our lives. Why wouldn't we have a plan for our relationships?
Most of us just react without anything to guide us. I don't even think the underlying reasons for our break up were all that serious. It was just an emotional fight. But I can remember the sinking feelings in the pit of my stomach. And I can remember the frustration and confusion.
In my confusion, I tried everything that I could think of to make up and get back together with my girlfriend. I tried phoning. I sent text messages. I cluttered up her e-mail account.
But -guess what? All this just made her feel pressured and caused her to pull farther away. It became increasingly clear that this was not going to help me win back my ex.
I guess I was just reacting like we all tend to do. I was not following any sort of game plan. I was just reacting like human nature dictates. And that natural human response was not working in my favor. In fact, it was making me look a lot less appealing to the only one that mattered. It was making me look less desirable to my girlfriend.
I wasn't going to win her back with an approach like that. I learned that if I wanted to win her back, I'd have to change my approach. Luckily, I found out how to take some simple but powerful actions that put human nature on my side.
I was able to turn the tide and get back together with my ex by following these steps. If you are now trying to get back together with your ex, take the time to learn how to use human nature to rekindle your romance.