Have you just broken up with your girlfriend?
If so, you may want to carefully read the tips listed below. While every break up has it's own unique twists and turn, successfully getting back together with your girlfriend often follows a predictable pattern.
Maybe you have been very unsuccessful in winning her back so far. You may be getting down in the dumps and starting to think negatively. Maybe you doubt that you will ever be able to get back together with your girlfriend. If this is the case, realize that you are in that emotional minefield where your frustrations are high while your spirits are low.
It's an emotional minefield where every song brings you sadness and longing for your ex girlfriend.
Everything seems so dim and lifeless without her. Your days are filled with seemingly endless lonely hours. When you are in such a state, it seems any action you can muster up to save your relationship is weak and ineffective.
It is at times like these that you may be tempted to give up. You may want to view your situation as hopeless. You may feel like the most miserable man on earth. But you need to realize something. The pain you are going through is something that many of us have gone through before you. There will be brighter days. Resolve to press forward and win your girl back for good!
Take stock and find out exactly where you stand with her.
How do you look in her eyes? Does she see you as some weak and whimpering mess? Have you been encouraging this view by begging for her to take you back? Such weak and needy tactics rarely work. Even if she does take you back under such circumstances, do you think she will respect and admire you in the future? If you have been guilty of playing the doormat, stop immediately!
Decide once and for all if this relationship is truly worth saving.
It's time to take a cool, detached look at the relationship. Do you really want to go forward? What are the trouble signs evident in this pairing? Do you both mutually care for each other? Take a look at things realistically and determine whether or not to try and save your relationship. If you decide the relationship is worth saving, it's time to take some actions.
Make yourself a more attractive and appealing mate.
Maybe you have let yourself go while investing all your time and energy into the relationship. This could have left you tired, dull, and out of shape. It's time to turn that all around. Invest in yourself. Start eating right. Hit the gym. Invest in your wardrobe. Meet some new friends. If other find you exciting, I'll bet your ex will too!
Learn the proven steps to win back your ex girlfriend.
By taking care of yourself and becoming more attractive and appealing, you will begin to restore some balance to the relationship. You'll give yourself the best chance of winning her back in a healthy and lasting way. See will see you as a dynamic and independent man. The kind of man she values.
There are proven steps to winning back your ex girlfriend. Many men before you have successfully rekindled the passion and happiness they once knew by following the down-to-earth advice contained in 'The Magic of Making Up'. In this easy-to-read e-book (that you can download instantly from the privacy of your own home), T.W. Jackson reveals the simple steps that you can take to get back together with your ex girlfriend.