It's no secret that getting over a guy that you once had a close relationship can be very difficult. It does not matter who dumped who - that empty void in your heart will not be easily filled. And even though it will not be easy, you know - deep down - that you can get over him and move on with your life.
Here are a few simple steps to help you move forward with your life.
Put it down on paper. A technique many people find effective is to write a long letter describing the relationship. Write it to your ex-boyfriend. Talk about everything - good and bad - as you saw things. Spend some time composing the letter. Really put your emotions and feelings down on paper.
When you have finished the letter, set it on fire and throw it in the fireplace. You're not going to send it to your ex. Watching it go up in smoke is an excellent metaphor to the ending of your relationship. It can give you closure as you watch that letter being consumed in fire.
Clear your living space of all reminders of him. This can be anything from a portrait to one of his shirts. By clearing your space of his stuff you symbolically clear your emotional space as well.
Get out and do things with your good and lasting friends. Let's face it, guys come and go. But your true friends will always be there for you. Go out and do some of those girly things you have been neglecting.
Use your newly freed up time to take care and nourish yourself. It's time for some me time. Go to the spa. Take a walk. Do some exercising. Anything to productively attend to your needs.
Moving on takes some resolve and effort. Sure, there's a time to mope and be sad. But don't wallow in self pity for too long. It is time to look forward to a happy and loving future. It is time to move on!