If this pretty much describes your current situation, you need to realize a couple of things. First, realize that even though you might think things are hopeless - they are not! You can learn how to get back your girlfriend no matter what led to the break up. It does not matter if the break up was your fault or not. You can restore the relationship.
Get Back Your Girlfriend - Learn The Steps That Work
If you are having trouble believing you can really get back your girlfriend, just look around. Don't you know of other couples that have done this already? I mean, couples get back together after nasty fights and even cheating on each other. You can see that other couples are able to work things out and make up. You can to - if you learn how.
The second thing you need to accept is that the methods that are not working for you now are highly unlikely to work for you tomorrow or next week. Keep trying the same things - get the same results. That just makes sense.
To give your self the best chance at getting your ex back, you need to learn and apply the proven steps that others have used to win back their girlfriends. You can't keep acting like a chump and letting your emotions determine what you do. That's a good way to lose her forever.
In most instances, the best thing you can do immediately to start turning things around is to back off. You've tried to communicate or make contact or talk things out. That has not worked. Now you need to change tactics and suggest that you both break off contact for a while. Give yourself and your girlfriend time to clear your heads and get some perspective.
This is normally the first step in turning things around. Only after the proper period of separation can you begin to take the necessary steps to getting back together. You can get back your girlfriend by following a proven pathway to rekindling your relationship. You can find the steps that work in 'The Magic of Making Up' - a complete, instantly download-able guide that will show you the tips and tactics that hundreds of others have used to get back with their ex girlfriends. it will show you how to get back your girlfriend - even if you are the only one trying at first.

To Learn How To Get Back Your Girlfriend - Click Here!