Let's not be too hard on Gregory, the missteps he made are all too common. You see Greg had broken up with his girlfriend, Sara, after a huge fight. They had had the normal lovers spats during their almost 2 years of steady dating, but this fight was huge. Greg had been caught foolishly flirting with one of Sara's closest friends after he'd had too much to drink.
Greg felt Sara was making too big a deal out of it but Sara felt hurt and betrayed. The next day, Greg was feeling a bit contrite and tried to phone Sara to say he was sorry. Sara did answer the phone this time. Still feeling hurt and humiliated she gave Greg a piece of her mind and ended up slamming down the receiver.
Things just got worse from that point on. In his ignorance, Greg tried to call and call. He really made a pest of himself. Sara just became even more furious at him. She thought he was pathetic in the way he kept begging and pleading. Everything Greg frantically tried just kept driving them farther and farther apart. The damage to their once happy relationship was becoming considerable.
After a while, Greg began to feel resentment towards Sara. He was starting to think that things were hopeless between them. He was almost ready to throw in the towel.
There is little doubt that the romance of Greg and Sara could have ended after nearly 2 years of happy times. It all could have vanished because they did not know how to put things back together. Fortunately, Greg was not willing to let that happen. He was determined to fix the relationship he had so damaged.
Greg knew that this was a relationship worth saving. He knew that deep down Sara really cared for him. He knew she was hurting every bit as much as he was. He just didn't have a clue as to know to put things back together.
He looked into couples counseling. That would be time consuming and expensive. Besides, how could he go to couples counseling alone? He researched the topic at his university's library. He consulted friends.
Learn how to get back your girlfriend, like Gregory did.
All he ended up with was confusing and contradictory advice. Then, late one night, while surfing the internet Greg found something interesting. It was an instantly download-able e-book called 'The Magic of Making Up'. There was something different about this product he felt. This was practical, down-to-earth guidance about how to get back your girl.
He watched the introductory video from T.W. Jackson and felt like here was someone who really understood his situation. The opening moves Jackson suggested made a lot of sense.
Well, Greg put these opening steps to use immediately. "What did he have to lose ?", Greg figured. They seemed to improve the dynamics of his and Sara's relationship right off. This gave Greg some hope that he'd not had in a long while.
Greg followed through and implemented the game plan implemented in 'The Magic of Making Up'. After a few short weeks, Greg and Sara were back together and closer than ever before. Not only had Greg been able to get back together with Sara, he had learned a lot about how to use human nature to help prevent another break up.
Now when things start to go off the rails, Greg has the skills to keep things sane and avoid any major blow ups. Greg is no longer the clueless, well-meaning guy he once was. He is now confident in this relationship and the other relationships in his life.
No matter what the reason for your break up, you can learn how to get back your girlfriend. If you want to learn the same simple steps that Greg used to rekindle his relationship with Sara, order your copy of 'The Magic of Making Up' today.