If you are like most of us the steps you have tried so far to put your relationship back together are the ones everybody tries. They work well enough for a small fight or a few ruffled feathers but when things really become seriously off track - it's time to adopt a more effective strategy.
When you are wondering how to get back with an ex after you have failed right after the break up, usually the first step you must take is to break off all contact. That may sound crazy but think about it. What you both need is a time out.
Here's what you need to do. Let your ex know that you have reflected on the situation and feel that you agree with the break up. Even if this is what your ex has wanted all along, try and make it sound like it's your idea. You want to do everything you can to change how you have been representing yourself since the break up.
This is the first step in rebuilding your image in your ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend's eyes. You are going to position yourself so that you can approach a reconciliation from a point of strength. How to get back an ex is not something you want to guess at. You can get back together with your ex by following a series of tried and true steps like this one.