Did you know that having your needs met in a relationship is a strong indicator of the chances of that relationship lasting and being one filled with happiness? Well, when you put it that way... yes.
Not having your needs met is an obvious cause of relationship troubles. It is especially important if you and your partner have broken up in the past and managed to get back together again. Make sure that your partner is well aware what you need from the relationship this time around. And you should ask him or her what they need from the relationship.
It may take more than just asking about their needs but that is a start. You can not read their mind or make assumptions. Take time to get this right and your relationship will benefit greatly. Different people need different things from their relationships.
Because we want different things, it is important to not assume your partner wants the same things from your relationship that you do. For example, you may be the type of person that needs to hear how much your partner loves you. Because of this, you probably be quite generous with telling your partner how much you love him or her.
But perhaps your partner needs to be shown how much you love him or her through actions. You partner may feel that, " Words are cheap.", and value any little actions you take to show your love. People are naturally wired - it seems - to value different mode of expression. While one person yearns to hear or see how much you love them another person may need to see that love demonstrated.
There are several ways that you can find out the best way to show your love and meet your partners needs. You can often figure out the mode that is most important to them by observation and careful listening. If your partner tends to use visual words and expressions they make need to see how much you love them in order to feel that their needs are met. They may say, "I see what you mean" as opposed to "I hear that" or "I feel ya'" .
The words people use can often assist you in unlocking the combination that will let you satisfy the needs they want fulfilled in a relationship.