Whether you are the one initiating the breakup or the unfortunate one that is receiving the bad news, breaking up never is easy. When a relationship that once held high hopes and passion comes to a close it hurts to think of all the time and effort you spent in building the relationship. A broken relationship can leave you dealing with guilt, anger, depression or any of a number of negative emotions.
There are countless ways a relationship can unravel and come to an end. People change or they fail to change. When you are in a relationship, it is constantly evolving. It may be getting better or it may be getting worse. A relationship can crumble due to neglect or it can become suffocated by too much attention. Sometime two people just realize it is time to call it quits and mutually end the relationship on good terms.
While this paints a dismal picture, rest assured that not all relationships end up on the scrap heap. While all relationships are a challenge in one way or another, there are countless matches that have withstood the tests of time. There are just as many relationships that have endured their trails and ended up stronger than ever.
If you find your relationship on rocky shores, take stock. Decide whether it is time to call it quits or re-double your efforts to strengthen the union. Do not give up on a relationship too easily. They say "It is always darkest before the dawn", you know?
If you do decide to try and get back together after a break up, there are a few time tested rules you would be wise to follow. Probably the most important thing is to approach your ex from a strong position. Do not beg and grovel. Hold your head high. You should look strong and attractive to your ex. You want to get back together with a solid foundation for your future.
Another helpful strategy is to begin the relationship as a fresh one. Don't pick up the relationship from where it ended. Consider this a new relationship where you both need to win over each others affections anew. Many floundering relationships can be saved if only you avoid the common mistakes made by others. By having a game plan and following a course that gives you the best chance of happily getting back together, you can make your relationship better than ever.