"Irreconcilable Differences" ... It is such an unnatural buzz phrase that has seemingly become so fashionable in our modern world. It is something to hide behind in many instances. Something to keep from saying in plain English just what the problems are.
I suspect that many of the married folk that are heading to divorce are summing up the failure of their marriage behind this vague term. But are the differences really so irreconcilable or has divorce just simply become the path of least resistance and the easy way out for a stale marriage?
Maybe your marriage has been stamped "IRRECONCILABLE" and is heading for divorce. But perhaps you have a quiet voice in your soul that whispers, " It is not so."
If this describes you, perhaps it is time to step back from the divorce march and re-access your marriage. Is it worth saving? Are the difference really irreconcilable? Or can the marriage be saved?