This time you have really done it, right? You screwed up badly and she is fed up and wants to divorce you! She is tired of being treated like a "second class citizen". She is tired of your controlling ways. She says that she is sick of all your stuff and tired of having to deal with you. She is so fed up that she is threatening to dissolve the marriage.
But you do not want that. You want desperately to stay together and work things out. But how do you turn things around and convince her to stop the divorce plans? All the things you are trying now are not working, are they? This article will highlight a few methods and strategies that you can employ in order to give you a better chance to stop the divorce.
First, let's take a look at the type of things that just don't work when the marriage has become this broken. Sending flowers or saying, "I love you", are usually regarded as empty and manipulative gestures at this point. Such superficial actions can just cause continued resentment. They will just cause her to resist any changes in her present attitude.
Another ineffectual way of trying to restore the relationship is to tell your wife that you will change your behavior. You can expect her to meet this re-assurance with disbelief and even contempt. Talk is cheap and you had better believe she knows it!
The issue in your marriage is one of control. Whether you mean to or not, you have become controlling and even manipulative. You have not given your wife equal footing in the marriage. She has a need to be listened to and respected. For whatever reason, this need is not being met.... and it is getting old, real fast!
In order to stop the divorce talk, she needs to change her mind. Get it - she needs to change her mind. Any attempts by you to change her mind for her will only be met with resistance. You need to give her the time and space she needs to work things out. Be agreeable and sincere with her. Show her you respect and value her opinion. Cease all the controlling behaviors of the past and allow her to be a full and equal partner. That is how it always should have been anyway.
If you have been guilty to dominating and controlling your wife, stop it. If you want to stop going down the road to divorce, start treating her with sincere respect. It will yield more results than empty words and a room full of flowers.