Did you know that most break ups - even the serious ones - can be patched up? Yes, if you avoid the all too common mistakes that most people make after a break up, then there's no need for the split to become permanent.
Even though most break ups can be fixed, it is a sad fact that too many break ups become permanent. Break ups become permanent in spite of our desperate efforts to make things right. Our natural, emotional reactions tend to drive us farther apart instead of closer together.
But the good news is that
there is a way to dramatically increase your chances of getting back together. There are time tested steps you can take to get back together with your ex even when things seem almost hopeless. In this article, we'll take a look at some steps you should take as well as some common actions you need to avoid.
The initial step you need to take might seem - at first - to be the easiest but it can be the most challenging. That first step is to give you and your ex some time and space. Insist on a cooling off period with no contact. Immediately after you have broken up emotions run high and feelings are raw. When you insist on a cool down period, you give the both of you a chance to gain some perspective - and rationality!
Insisting on a cooling off period with no contact also gives you the subtle benefit of demonstrating your independence and ability to get along just fine by yourself. By demonstrating this self sufficiency, you let your ex see you in a more powerful and positive position. When you appear needy or desperate you tend to drive your partner away. When you are strong and independent, your ex will begin to
see all the attractive qualities that made you so attractive when you first met.
After you have established this initial period of no contact, it is time to take the next steps. These steps are where you will build on the independence and attractiveness you started in step one. Instead of moping around and feeling sorry for yourself, you are going to spend some time and effort on you!
Get out and have fun with old friends. Meet some new friends. Do something for yourself that you have been putting off for a while. Perhaps you had been putting so much effort into the relationship that
"you" got lost in the process. Now is the time to correct that.
You want to get your relationship back through attraction instead of by chasing after it. You can see by pursuing things in this manner, you not only increase your chances of restoring the old relationship - you create the opportunity to rebuild that relationship on a
much stronger foundation. You rebuild the relationship on terms where you are valued and respected.
I hope this article has been helpful and has clearly demonstrated the
advantages of having a well thought out plan of action when you are trying the restore a broken relationship. By taking these initial steps you will have already increased the chances of getting back together and having an even better relationship as you go forward.
If you would like to learn more about restoring your relationship, be sure and check out this video.***