Your well meaning efforts to get the relationship back on track are probably only making a bad situation worse.
Trying to talk things out when your girlfriend is too mad to talk is a big mistake.
Your girlfriend is in a highly emotional state. She is furious and does not want to talk. Don't try and force the issue. That's is a worst thing you could do at this juncture. Any overture at communication will be met with rejection when she is in this frame of mind. A phone call or heartfelt e-mail is just a waste of time right now.
Begging and pleading with her won't work.
Begging and pleading for her to take you back is not going to work. You will just look like a weak, pathetic lug to her. She's giving you a message loud and clear but you are not heeding it. The things that might work in an ordinary break up are woefully inadequate in this mess.
Your old bag of tricks is pretty useless this time.

All those trick you use to win her back in a normal break up are null and void. This is a serious break up. In order to make up with her you need some advanced relationship tactics. You need to learn how to put human psychology to use for you.
You are going to need to learn how to interpret her silence.
If you stop and think about it, her silence is speaking to you loud and clear. She is telling you that she needs some time and space to sort out her feelings. Back off and give her a chance to make sense of everything. She does not need your input right now. It is not your turn yet!
Listen to what her silence is telling you.
What you need to be doing at this point in your break up is to give her the time and space that she is seeking. Respect her need for it. She is probably racked with emotions right now and knows that she needs to sort things out. You help is not wanted or appreciated.
Only when the time is right can you begin to pick up the pieces. When your girlfriend is ready to talk, you should be ready to listen. Give her sometime to rationally reflect on things and gain the perspective that time brings. After some time away from you it is only natural that she will begin to look back on the positive parts of your relationship and even begin to miss you.
Restore your relationship from a sound base.
By respecting her boundaries, you will have given your relationship the positive base upon which to start over. You will both be singing from the same page. You will be at a point where you both can begin to rekindle and restore your relationship. Listening to your girlfriend is an important skill. It is especially important during those times when she is silent.
Your relationship can be saved if you adopt an effective game plan.
There are some proven steps you can use to help you win back your girlfriend. They tend to be just about the opposite of what we normally do. They have worked for many other guys that were in about the same position you are in now.
Your relationship can be saved even when your ex refuses to talk to you. Click here to get the information you need to restore your relationship.